“My name is Tiara. I’ve been a member of the Boys & Girls Club for 13 years. I’m about to Graduate from Talladega College with a degree in social work. The Boys & Girls Club has been one of the biggest support systems in my life. It doesn’t matter what I’m going through, what kind of help I need, I have always been able to go to the Boys & Girls Club for help.
The opportunities the Club provided for me are too many to count. But there have been a few programs and people that have helped me turn these opportunities into success. One of these is the youth employment program. The employment program let me try a lot of different jobs until I found the right fit at the Madrigrano Center. It gave me job skills that I can use in my everyday life as well as in my future career. Not only that but, working in the Boys & Girls Club actually helped me make connections in the community that have led me down my path to social work.
Because of the job opportunities that were available to me I wasn’t just out here running the streets. The staff at the Boys & Girls Club encouraged me to take the opportunities given to me and use them in a positive way. When you have positive experiences in your life it makes you want to continue to do positive things.
This is why it’s so important that the Kenosha community value the Boys & Girls Club and help the club to do more, to reach out to more kids.”